Do you want to be happy?


Do you want to be happy? Avoid small controversies

We all know these people and you might be one of them, who are happy in spite of the pressures of work and stress during an average day, how do they do it? What is their secret? Although it is likely that genetics play a major role in determining a man's happiness it is also believed that behavior probably can help you (or hold you back) in They also have nearly one-third spend more time in short conversations (10.2% vs. 28.3%) and the weakness of this objective with talk of doing (45.9% vs. 21.8%).

Your way towards happiness.

Scientists group of people asked about whether the content of everyday conversations they carry out associated B.e.thm in general, and they have the registration of the participants talks during the day and sure enough, they found that people who conducted deep conversations tend to be happier than those who have spent time in the short talks.

Is Happy Life is full of shallow, happy moments associated with talk meager? Or is it a reflection of the social encounters and deep conversations? Both concepts are true, happiness associated with indifference and happiness associated with deep thinking. But little is known about the daily responsible for the bulk of the happiness of life incidents.

Here we show the results of a natural controlled study which examines why was happy and non happy differ in the amount of small conversations cash and conversations that engage them in Hawwadthm daily, and in spite of the difficulties encountered in the study of happiness on the level of the kidneys and the long term and in a large scale, the little is known about the social behaviors of people happy, due to the difficulty there is an objective measure of behavior daily.

Although there are a number of behavioral measures that can be used as a methodology in the study (such as sampling experience, style reconstruction) and rely on self-reports, but it can not be a genuine separation between happiness and behavior on the one hand and prejudices idealism to the views of people about the fact themselves. To overcome such difficulties, the researchers using a digital tape recorder, which tracks the subtle way the real behavior of the people through periodic Date everyday conversations while engaged participants in their daily work.

Consistent with previous results, the top they may have spent less time alone and the correlation coefficient between that (= -0.35) and also spend more time to talk with others (= 0.31). Moreover, the largest percentage of happiness associated with those who have spent time Vlela in small conversations (= -0.33) and time more substantive conversations (= 0.28) and clarification size of these results compared with the saddest of participants (-2.0), the happiest participants (1.5). Who spent less than 25% of his time alone (58.6% vs. 78%) and 70% of the time to speak (39% versus 23.2%). They also have nearly one-third spend more time in short conversations (10.2% vs. 28.3%) and the weakness of this objective with talk of doing (45.9% vs. 21.8%).

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