
Its official name to the Kingdom of Sweden and Stockholm capitals official language is Swedish with some local languages ​​and political system is a constitutional monarchy originated in the June 6, 1523 and the official currency is the krone.

Sweden is located in the far north of Europe, bordered to the west of Norway, Finland and the north-east, and south -abbar Sear- Denmark, Germany and Poland, and on the east Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia.

An area of ​​449.964 square kilometers and a population of 9,723,800 inhabitants religious distribute 87% of Christians Uthreyon 0.13% by others, including Roman Catholics, Orthodox and Muslims, Jews and Buddhists.

A GDP of 552 billion dollars and an annual per capita output of $ 40,900 0.9% growth and the unemployment rate of 8.1% and external debt amounting to the value of 1.039 trillion dollars.It is the most important natural resources of minerals group led by zinc, iron ore, lead, gold, copper, silver, uranium.

The most important products machinery, automobiles, iron, steel, micro-cars, barley, wheat equipment.
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