the penguins under water for periods of great depths, the emperor
penguin can dive up to a distance of 500 meters without drowning or
suffocation. But how does this happen?
Penguins only breathe water, and take a deep breath before you jump in the water, then holding its breath to stay for long periods. After jumping hold your breath and starts the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles of the Penguins. Penguin body turns diving into the system, which is called anaerobic metabolism a system that works almost without oxygen decreases heart rate, and stop all members is vital to the work. Can Emperor penguins stay underwater for up to 20 minutes. This system makes the lactic acid builds up in the body accidentally, and if you do not come out at a certain point on the breath out of the water, and will cause poisoning of the way when the rate of increase, which is known as mentioned in the beginning the end of the dive.
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