This Day in History " March 24 "



1603 - James VI of Scotland becomes James I of England after the death of Queen Elizabeth I of England.1704 - Britain seizes the Strait "Gibraltar" which connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.1837 - Canada gives Africans the right to vote.1882 - German explorer Robert Koch discovers distressed that causes tuberculosis.1898 - The first car sale in the United States.1905 - Britain's census reveals that the kingdom fifth of the world control.1923 - the republican system in Greece.1929 - Fascists win elections in Italy for the first time since the founding of their movement.1983 establishment of the first diplomatic relations between the Vatican and the government of Sweden.2008 Serbia propose to the United Nations, the division of Kosovo to keep the areas where Serbs form the majority of them under its control.

Famous Birthdays

1884 - Peter Debye, Dutch scientist Physical Chemistry Nobel Prize in Chemistry.1903 - Adolf Butenandt, a German chemistry Nobel Prize in Chemistry.1917 - John Kendrew, a world Biochemistry British Nobel Prize in Chemistry.1981 - Patrick Kisnorbu, footballer Australian.


1603 - Queen Elizabeth I of England.
1953 - Queen Mary, wife King George V of the United Kingdom
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